Legal notice

Multiloop GmbH
Zugspitzstr. 15
DE-82049 Pullach

Phone: +49 (0)89 215 4151 40
Fax: +49 (0)89 215 4151 49
E-Mail: info(a)multiloop.com

Registered office: Pullach, District Court of Munich HRB 285164

VAT ID: DE363123276

Legally represented by the managing directors:
Leif Erichson, Elias Kuby

Use of the Websites

The information on these websites is non-binding and is provided exclusively for informational purposes. It has only an informational character and is not an offer/quotation in the sense of the applicable legal provisions.
On the basis of the information contained on the website, no contractual relationship regarding the presented products and services can arise.

The information on these websites as well as the products and services described in this information can be changed or updated by Multiloop GmbH at any time without prior notice. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the websites of Multiloop GmbH contain no warranties or quality statements for which Multiloop GmbH is liable, whether express or implied, including regarding the currentness, correctness, completeness, and quality of the information.

Data Collection and Data Processing

see Data Protection

Right to Information

If you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact: info(@)multiloop.com

E-Mail via Internet

If you retrieve pages and files on our websites and are prompted to enter data about yourself, we would like to point out that this data transmission over the internet is unsecured and that the data may thus be accessed or altered by unauthorized persons.

Liability and Links to Other Websites - Disclaimer

We are responsible for the content of our websites according to the provisions of general laws, in particular according to § 7 para. 1 of the Telemedia Act. All content is created with due care and to the best of our knowledge. As far as we refer to third-party websites via hyperlink on our websites, we cannot guarantee the continued currentness, correctness, and completeness of the linked content, as this content is outside our area of responsibility and we have no influence on future design. If, in your opinion, content violates applicable law or is inappropriate, please let us know.

The legal notices on this page and all questions and disputes regarding the design of this website are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Trademark and Copyright, Data Material

The trademarks and logos displayed on these websites are the property of Multiloop GmbH. Some websites also contain logos that are protected by the copyright of those who provided them. No information on these websites should be interpreted as granting licenses or trademarks. For this, an explicit written consent from Multiloop GmbH is necessary. The unauthorized use of these trademarks is strictly prohibited. Multiloop GmbH will enforce its intellectual property rights worldwide through the relevant legal protections.

All texts, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files are protected by copyright and other intellectual property protection laws. They may not be copied for sharing, modified, or used on other websites. Some websites also contain images and logos that are protected by the copyright of those who provided them.

The data material is also protected by copyright. Automated queries or duplication of the same (especially by automated reading, so-called "scraping") are prohibited. In particular, any other use of the data material for commercial reuse purposes is also prohibited.